About Us
Our main editor Teo Barry Vincent IV was a top Technical Writer and Technical Stand-Up Trainer for many companies in Silicon Valley such as Apple, Adobe, NASA, SRI, Stanford University, SLAC, SETI, Tandem, Quantum, etc.. while composing and playing keyboards. He now studies at the Royal Conservatory of Music, and piano privately with Oszkar Morzsa of the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest, Hungary. He continues composing, creating education & wellness media, and music lessons.
Teo Barry Vincent IV has been composing since the age of 7. Having played in bands including: Jazz Fusion, Brazilian, Nigerian, Calypso, Soul, Salsa, Reggae, High-Life and more, he has a wealth of knowledge of musics and forms. A technical educator by trade, his ability to make the complex simple and fun is astounding. Now he combines very impressive technical consulting skills with a beautiful knack for elegant and virtuoso music scoring together in a shining example of positive musical creations.
His "Charmony" series shares the most uplifting and classy techniques for performance and learning. From Italian performance instructions to Afro-Caribbean drum pattern arrangements, Vincent makes clear concise materials for reading, playing, studying and mainly, enjoying!
First class honors on most recent History and Harmony exams at the Royal Conservatory of Music, Vincent is determined to leave the world a more harmonious and beautiful sounding place than it was.
In this box we list Ahead-Of-Their-Time pieces to be used for Film - Video - Multimedia |